Wednesday 4 April 2012

Update: Pasta Salads

Took a photo of my cat eating his brekky this morning. :3 Haven't updated much on him, but that's because he's still lazing around. ;D Still love him. ♥

So today, had badminton training in the morning. Going early for the whole week; am I exhausted yet? Not really, no. :P

Anyhoo, for lunch today, had pasta salad which was pretty good. ♥

Oh, recently found a really old song that I used to love and sang for choir in primary. It's called 'Lucky' by Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat.

Hope you'll enjoy! ♥

I had my Japanese oral exam today, which was really nerve-racking but hard. We weren't used to having spontaneous answers to questions in Japanese, so I had a lot of 'umms' here and there. ;P Overall, I think I could've done much much better. But ah well, it's over an done with.

This reminds me of English. We're learning the book 1984 by George Orwell, and I haven't really read it, but we're already answering questions in class. And I'm completely freaking out, because I know I should've read it by now, and we will be getting tested on it soon. Must read it in the Easter Holidays. ♥

Getting quite excited for my holiday to New Zealand, but I don't like the fact that it's going to be cold there. Would prefer it to be hotter. ♥ Hehe, but would love to see the sights and I will definitely take many photos. ♥

That's about it for now, I have nothing else to say, but I'm relieved it's nearly break. Finally can relax and chill. ♥

Anyhoo, have to go to my flute lesson now, thanks for reading, and all the best.

Michelle ♥


  1. HOMG GOOCHI SO CUTE~~~ I want his brekky >=D Lucky I'm in love with my best friend~ <3
