Tuesday 17 April 2012

In the Search for Kiwis: PART V

We started by travelling to Dunedin, and by the time we got there, it was time for lunch, so we had lunch at this nice Chinese restaurant, again. Then we had free time to 'explore' the city. They had really nice cathedrals and what not. ;D

My dad took this photo, isn't the lighting something? ;D ♥
So after looking around, we drove to the 'World's Steepest Street' to walk it. And buy a certificate for it. ♥ It was definitely hard to climb it, it was seriously steep. The street is called Baldwin Street. ;D

From here, you can see how steep the road is by looking at the angle of the houses, LOL. 

And how it looks about half way up the street. 

The view was amazing as well! ♥ 
Afterwards, we drove to some beach that before the sun set and they had the most interesting rocks ever, LOL. They were really round, and one of them was broken and you can also say their relatively hollow. :/ Stood on one to take some photos though. (: 

The rock I was talking about. :P 

The rock. ;D So round. ♥
So after that, we went to a lookout to watch the sunset before heading off to watch these penguins come onto the beach. The cameras couldn't focus on the sunset, and we weren't allowed to take photographs of the penguins, but they were really cute. After watching them, we went to dinner at another hotel, which was steak which sides. It was so good, since I love my steaks medium rare! ♥

Anyhoo, chilled in our rooms afterwards, and went to bed. (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x


  1. Did you know the road is 19 degrees? It looks much steeper right? XD

    1. Yep, and you shudda walked it, it felt like 90 degrees. :P x
