Saturday 21 April 2012

Update: ADRIANO ZUMBO Macaroons & Chinese Gardens

Today, went to Darling Harbour which isn't something we usually do. My dad initially wanted to go to the Casino to have a look, but then we just walked around the streets. But it was fun! (:

So we first went to Star City, and there was this really cute patisserie that everyone talks about; 'ADRIANO ZUMBO'. I had no idea what everyone was raging about; just something about macaroons, and work experience, etc. So when I first saw it, I got excited since I wanted to know what all the 'fuss was about'. 

There had so many macaroons - ohmygosh. 

But my mum was nice enough to buy a pack of 12 for $30, which was so expensive. There were 10 flavours in total, so I got one of each and also got one extra of 'Watermelon Zumboron' and 'Annuziata Chocolate'. There was even a popcorn flavour, HAHA. 

There's this really nice restaurant named 'Din Tai Fung' and they sell the best 'Xiao Long Bao's ever! ♥ Anyhoo, really pricey but still good. ♥ Had many dishes. Sorry about the photos, the lighting was horrible. ):

After lunch, walked around to the Imperial Chinese Garden. My sister and I only went in since it was quite costly. Seriously, everything in the CBD is costly, HAHA. It's really pretty there. ♥

Walking walking. 

 Look what we found. ;D

 We found a mother duck with her ducklings. They swum so fast, which is why the photo is so blurry.

After that, we went to Meet Fresh which is a Taiwanese dessert restaurant. Their desserts are really good! ♥ Shared this with my mum. (: 

Anyhoo, need to wrap this up now, have to go to bed since I have tennis training early tomorrow morning.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle ♥


  1. HOMG The food looks soooo nice T_T Take me next time ;D You should have taken more Gardens scenery! 8O

    1. Haha, thanks for commenting! I did take a lot more, but thought people would get bored looking at the green stuff over and over again, so kept it short. (: x

  2. Omg, I love that Chinese place! :D They also sell really nice macaroons in Chatswood and Parramatta Westfield. :]

    1. YAY. ;D I should check that out. (: Which stores are they? (: x
