Thursday 19 April 2012

Update: Haircut, Photo Inspirations & Workout Shorts

Yesterday, went out with my family to SPOTLIGHT where they sell fabrics and textiles items, but they didn't have what I wanted so we went to Adidas since it was on sale. There I bought a pair of shorts that were $20, and another $20 swimsuit since my old one is too tight. That came out wrong... lols.

Forgot to take pictures of them, my bad, sorry; such a bad blogger, I know. LOL. Afterwards, booked an appointment at my hair salon to get my hair cut. Got it cut by this cute chick ( no homo ) named Natasha. She was really nice. (:

Don't have a photo of my hair now, but basically the only drastic change is that my fringe is thicker and it practically covers my entire forehead, HAHA.

But here are my inspiration pictures of this cute chick named 'Kierra Folsom', check her out, she sings like an angel. (: I printed it and took it to the salon. (:

Anyhoo, today, going to go grocery shopping, so need to wrap this up. Sorry for a really short post.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle ♥


  1. HOMG WHY NO PHOTO OF YOU :( But I bet it looks really cool :3

  2. Reminding me to get the orange Lady Jane bobby pins. :] x
