Thursday 5 April 2012

Update: Chocolate Fundraising

I usually like to have photos in my post ( 'cept for tags ) or at least something good to look at, but have none today, however I do want to post. :3 

Anyhoo, had badminton training this morning which was really fun. Lost a double's game but doesn't matter. Coach didn't expect Julia ( ) and I to train with him since it was for the beginners but he made us run around the court; so tiring but fun! 

Rest of the day was pretty tiring since I went to collect yet another box of chocolates to sell. When I got home, bought about 5 bars so I can bring them to New Zealand. ♥ Planning to go around the neighbourhood to sell them all by the end of the holidays, which started today! ♥ ♥ 

Tomorrow, I plan to finally make my brownies. I hope I'll remember to take a photo of them before I eat them all up, or my sister's friends will eat them since they are coming tomorrow. Went out today for dinner, had really nice stuff. So good! Didn't take a photo but it was just Chinese food. 

Planning to go out a lot in the holidays, really want to watch some movies : 'Battleship', 'Titanic 3D', 'Avengers' and 'Wrath of the Titans'. Dayum, wish I could watch them all now. ♥

Also getting excited for New Zealand, which is cool. Should start packing soon. 

Not much to say, thanks for reading.

Michelle x

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