Monday 30 April 2012

Update: Badminton Competition !

Ohmygosh, please forgive me, haven't updated in quite a while, I know.

On Saturday, I had a badminton competition for school, and I've been waiting to post about it, but I was waiting for the group photo that our captain took, and I just received the email today. The post wouldn't be complete without a good groupie photo, yeah? (:

Anyhoo, on Saturday, Julia ( ) actually arrived pretty early to the venue, around 8A.M. But it took a while to get there. The rest of the people arrived, and we went inside their gymnasium. Their school was a French School, and there was only one school we were against, and it was their badminton and tennis team. And somehow their tennis team was better than their actual badminton team, HAHA. They came first.

They all spoke in French, and they were all around the ages of 10-13, and a majority of them were boys. So we girls, were against younger boys. And what's worse than that? Getting beaten by them. Miserably.

I was in the second team along with Julia, and somehow I ended up as captain of that team. We only had two teams, the French school had 4. ): Anyhoo, Julia and I were entered as doubles, and also as singles.

Ohmygosh, they were so tactical and hard. They were so professionally trained, and apparently, this was their first competition. We lost all of the first matches of the Team we versed. They were so cute and small, but so deceiving, HAHA.

Up til the last team, we had to verse the other team to determine the 5th or 6th place; a.k.a, the last or second last place. Unsurprisingly, we came 6th ( last ) but considering how little we train, we did pretty darn well. However, I did manage to win one match against this mega cute boy named Elliot. He was having mini tantrums, and we were already tired when we tied at 5-5. He was making cute comments like: 'What is this?' 'What the hell.' 'Ohmygod, this is so tiring.' Around halfway through the set, I asked for time out since it was so tiring.

Then half way through the second set, he swore at me. Yes he did. He actually said: 'F*ck you.' But he said it kinda smiling, so I took it as a joke, so I laughed, and I guess he laughed abit. HAHA. It would've been hell if I replied as: 'F*ck you too.' HAHAHA.

Anyhoo, the day was pretty successful, one of the best experiences I'll never forget, since they spoke in French, and their accents were so cute. ♥

Oh, and had Subway for lunch with a free cookie from Julia. ♥ Thanks again, girlie. (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle ♥


  1. No problem. :] If we keep shouting each other, I bet it's gonna go on forever. ;D
