Monday 30 April 2012

Update: Online Shopping and Healthy Snacking?

So I don't know if I've blogged about this, probably not, but some time ago, I bought a couple of things off eBay. Oh, one tip when buying things off there, look mostly for the seller that are rated as 'Top Seller'. I guess those are the ones with the most positive feedback from costumers and are more trustworthy? I guess. (:

Anyhoo, I bought some studs for clothing and they finally arrived today. All the way from Hong Kong. ;D So happy! It was a nice surprise after coming home from school today.

Oh, at school today, had Cross-Country which is a long distance running competition within your age group at school. It was a surprise to me, since I didn't know until I got to school. So so tiring and hot, but the hot was nice since it was chilly in the air. Didn't get a place but made it in the allocated time - 25 minutes.

Also had a history elective test today. It was source-based questions. I made my expectations of the test to be really hard and high, so when I did do the test, it was fortunately easier than I thought. Which was good. (: Less time to mindblank, more writing, HAHA. ;P

Okay, back to the studs. I bought two packets of 100 pc of silver and gold studs. And they also gave me a free gift with bronze star studs! So sweet of them. ♥

It was in bubble wrap since the spikes of the studs are quite sharp. (:

Took them out. ♥ ♥ 
Shall put these on my collared clothes once I find the time, and use the remainders on some of the shoulder areas of some clothing if I have the time. And also on my shorts. ♥ Oh the list is endless. ;) Getting excited, lol.

Today, went to Woolies after school to get some dips. Got Hommus and French Onion. I cut up some strips of celery and used the dips to add some flavour. Omg, best snack ever! ♥ ♥ Was so good, and my sister ate some too. (:

So good. ♥
Tomorrow, I have a maths test so need to study for that. And also need to start on my English essay soon as well. Ahhh, so many things to do, and so many assignments due.

So thanks for reading, sorry for the lack of posts. I'm planning to do some tag posts next. (:

Michelle ♥


  1. THEY CAME! =D That was pretty fast XD Homg, hommus :Q__________________ So healthy, no wonder you're so slim ;D

    1. Yep they finally came. ;D ♥ Hommus isn't healthy. ;P x
