Monday 16 April 2012

In the Search for Kiwis: PART IV

We left kinda early this time, and headed to some place called 'Mirror Lakes' where the water is so still and clear, it's like a mirror. To an extent, yes it does look like it. (:

It does look like a mirror doesn't it? ;D
We went to go to this creek and filled our bottles up with the pure spring water. It tasted so pure, and really nice! Just different.

Anyhoo, went on another cruise at Milford Sound, but this time on an actual cruise ship with a lunch buffet. The buffet food was so good! And the view was gorgeous, so food + view = heaven. HAHA.

The cruise. (: 
My lunch. ;D
The view. (Y) 
On the way back to shore, we spotted a really cute seal on the rocks. ;D

After we left, there was this massive brick of ice and snow that was in this area, don't know where, but took photos of it. (:

Then we drove to some other river/creek and it was beautiful as well!

When we got to our hotel afterwards, we had freetime for a while and we went to the beach right next to the hotel and it was really beautiful! ♥

We had dinner afterwards at another Chinese restaurant and went off to our rooms.

Thanks for reading!

Michelle ♥


  1. MY GOODNESS! I just read like everything...soo much to read x.x But thanks for sharing!! ^_^ Pictures are so pretty~~ ^_^

    1. HAHA, thanks for taking your time to read! (: ♥ x
