Saturday 31 December 2011

Update: New Years' Eve Haul

Today, had a rather massive shopping haul and spent like...$70 on stuff. Which isn't such a great thing.

I bought a handbag, that wasn't even on sale but it was meant to be my birthday present from my sister and mum, so here it is :

From Colette accessories, and was $40. :O 
 Went to the chemist as well, to grab some things. I had to get more aloe vera gel since I got sunburnt... T_T Still healing. ): And my sister needs some, :P .

Apparently, tomorrow, we're going bushwalking in a rainforest over in Wollongong. (: Looking forward to that.

Happy New Year everyone ! Once again. (:

I've gotten my job and next year I'm starting but only working for 4 days...Haha ! Lol ! Ah well.

Next Thursday, going out with Oliver ( ) and Jennifer. (: Looking forward to that as well.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle <3