Wednesday 30 November 2011

30 Days Challenge: Day 1 - Best or Close Friend

My best AND close friend for about the past 2 years would be Julia ( ) since we have so many memories together and she's been there when I needed her most. <3 I've had other friends but I spent the most time with Julia out of the others. (: She is amazingly funny and we have weird moments when we talk about strange topics and people give us looks. :P Though we fight over stupid things, we are still friends. I hope. :P I'm so glad I've met you and I hope to share my future with you. <3

This is so corny. Lawl.

Michelle <3


  1. At least we don't fight often and of course we're friends. You're my Day 1 Month Challenge as well. :P A future, I see. ;] xxx <3

  2. (: Yay ! What are you suggesting? ;) xx

  3. I don't think you will tell me. :P xx
