Friday 25 November 2011

Update: Weekends !

Received another birthday present from another amazing friend, Mishon. Strange name to me ;P Lawl. She gave me some stationary, and I really thank you. Thank you for being seriously hilarious and being my travel buddy. (:

I found out what the box thing is - it's a pencilcase. :P She didn't know what it was. :P
So thank you again for that lovely gift.

School was....tedious. Like usually - except we got to watch 'Avatar' during Geography. I LOVE AVATAR ! <3 It's so awesome !!! I love all things fantasy in general. Lawl. Oh yeah, borrowed Julia's ( ) DVDs on 'Flight Plan' and 'Clash of the Titans'. Hopefully, will be watching them soon along with 'Breaking Dawn: Part 1' this Sunday. Had Matrix after school today, rather boring as well, but we practically graffitied the board before class and it was this really weird abstract art. :P

That's all, have Chinese lessons and maths tutoring tomorrow. (:

Stay safe,
Michelle <3


  1. I KNOW RIGHT !! Can't see how anyone else don't/won't like it. ): xx
