Friday 18 November 2011


Weekends are finally here and I have to post the day of Friday, where I attended the National Young Leaders' Conference, which I think is so important to our generation and beyond and soo so so so so so so important to talk about, and share. So definitely will rant in that post. Lol. Plus, I saw Delta GOODREM <3 !!!!!! Love her so so much :L

Anyways, today, the weather was scorching. So nice ! I love hot weather but not humid and hot, just hot. People think I'm weird, but I personally love the sun :D.

I had a Chinese exam today, and so far I know I made some mistakes, probably because I didn't study. :O I woke up at 6:30AM this morning T_T and couldn't go back to sleep and just realised I had an exam and Chinese homework. So I dragged myself up, got distracted on the internet, studied some...lawl, and finished my homework. Then I fell asleep for about 10 minutes on my bed. So sleepy now. And tired. My muscles ache. ):

I bought a magazine that I had my eye on for about 3 days : Madison Australia. Haven't read it yet.

Uh yeah, the model's legs are open. Lawl.
Had maths tutoring afterwards and now I have to go to dinner. So sorry for short post. ):

Thanks for reading [ basically nothing :P ],
Michelle <3