Saturday 19 November 2011

Update: Modern Warfare 3 !

This morning, I made bacon and eggs with toast for brekkie. (: Tasted so good ~

I headed to Julia's ( ) around 10AM to play COD: MW3 with her and Bob. Was so freaking fun. Finally got the hang of it though I died so many times. Most stupid move was being a sniper and then falling off the building. ==" Lawl. Now, I really want to purchase the game but way to expensive so just going to have to live without it for now. :P

It's 4 days till my birthday :L Can't wait for that, perhaps this weekend I will watch 'Breaking Dawn Part 1' with my mum and my sister since they really want to watch it and Julia doesn't. :P Won't be eating cake though, because my dad and I both agreed it was too boring and it was the same every year. Plus, can't be bothered to go choose and get some. :P Though my sister is pissed there'll be no cake. :P

Forgot to mention in my last post that I got a fringe haircut and look like a freaking man. Oh my gosh. Shoot me. So now I have to style it or else it'll end up in my eyeballs. Or I keep looking in the middle of my forehead and become cross-eyed. Lawls.

Went to Roselands Centre today and had Oporto for lunch. Had tennis training after that and it was pouring half way through it, but we still played. So I was really cold after a while. ): Oh well. It was ...sorta fun.

Have this Elective History presentation on Tuesday and possibly will be presenting the Commerce Cadbury Case Study tomorrow. Uh oh. Not ready for it. ):

Currently watching 'Star Wars' in English and I think we are continuing it tomorrow. It's really interesting though I think the beginning is kind of slow. And yes, I haven't watched it before. *gasp* :P

Still haven't been able to write the post of the Conference yet, hopefully will have the time soon to write it. (:

Take care,
Michelle <3


  1. Haha, I agree - But we suck so bad it ain't even funny. :P xx

  2. HOMG! D: You went to Roselands??? Should have told me >< ahahaha dwdw, I haven't watched Star Wars either :) Btw, I'll help you two beat Bob B)

  3. @ Julia : SO FUN <3

    @ Oliver : Yep ! You were there? :O Yay ! Another person who hasn't seen 'Star Wars' yet ! Bob is mean, he tried to gang up on us even though he's alone :P

    <3 xx

  4. Nah, but Roselands is really close to my house :L How do you gang up with one person...hmmm mystery ;P

  5. Oh I see. (: Lawl. I don't know. Reveal his position and then he kills us from behind. T_T xx
