Saturday 5 November 2011

Update: No Shopping For Once

Terrible titles - I know, but my mind is completely unimaginative at the moment. :P I'll be starting on the blooper video soon, though I really should be doing my English assignment.

Today, had Chinese lessons in the morning and it was hell. So borrinnnggg, thank god I bought a book with me ; The Painted Man by Peter Brett. It's really hooking. After chinese, had lunch which was sushi and then had to head to CBD to go to the Chinese herbalist. She gave me more herbal medicine. ):

Took the train home and had maths tutoring. Was so scared to show my mark to the maths tutor since it was that impressive....and considering I've had tutoring and no improvement, was ... disappointing. We worked on my school homework instead and he didn't comment much on my mark at least. (:

Just ate dinner and now I'll do the bloopers. (: Hopefully, it'll be up soon. And yes, I didn't go shopping today - didn't have time and had nothing in mind that I needed. I'm content. (:

Have tennis training tomorrow and I really need to work on my storyboard tomorrow. :/

Stay safe,
Michelle <3