Thursday 17 November 2011

Update: Trip to Darling Harbour !

This is a late post, but better late than never. (:

I went on a school excursion to Darling Harbour on Tuesday ( 15/11/11 ) which included visiting Cockatoo Island and the Wildlife Park there. (:

I was in the group with Julia ( ) where we visited the Wildlife Park first. It was really fun. I'll just let the photos do the talking. (: Though I swear, every time I go to a wildlife park, I don't concentrate on the facts of animals, more about 'spot the animal' in each exhibit and move on. Does anyone else do that or is it just me? :O

Really cute wallabies. Can you spot them? Photo taken by Julia. (:

WOMBAT - Taken by Julia since my phone couldn't pick up the lighting.

Really large ants, can you find them?

Kangaroos sleep weird. Lol.

I don't know what these are but I took a photo so here it is. LOL. :P

Baby emus !! Nearly ate my worksheet. :P

HUMUNGO crocodile !
We had lunch at the Darling Harbour food court and whilst walking there I found the ... :

Vegemite, Britmite - GET IT? ;P LOL. Want to taste this, though I hate Vegemite. :P

After lunch, we went on the ferry to travel to Cockatoo Island and here are some pictures from the ferry. (:

Taken by Julia (:
Once we were on Cockatoo Island which is at the moment is running in an art show/gallery with really awesome artworks everywhere. Which are mostly the photos I took. :P

Look what it said on the top thing. LOL. Thanks for pointing it out to me Julia. (:

Apparently, this was a set used from a movie of Wolverine. AWESOME. The archs were made out of wood but carved to look like bricks. (:
That was basically the day. Tomorrow, I'll be going back to Darling Harbour for this Young Leaders' Conference. Now - going to watch Beauty and the Geek. (:

Update soon,
Michelle <3


  1. Wow! so many pictures! They are very good quality XD Looks like it was an awesome day :) Btw I read all of it, like promised :3
    You're going to Leaders too! Have fun there :)

  2. We should of taken a picture of those balls drawn on the back of the door, haha! And your photos are so big! :P xx

  3. @ Oliver : It was awesome :L Thank you, though I didn't type that much stuff. More pictures. :P Are yuo going to Leaders? :O

    @ Julia : Yeah we should've. Big pictures are the best :L

    <3 xx
