Wednesday 23 November 2011

Update: Someone's Turning 15 Soon :L

Haven't updated in ages and still haven't written that Conference thing. Wonder when I'll get to it. :O

Anyways, it's the 24th of November tomorrow....which means it's my birthday ! :L Yay. Unfortunately, the blog hasn't turned one yet. ): I'll take photos of my day, not that anything is going to happen tomorrow, and probably the cake which I'll have to eat on Saturday and take that photo then. Getting rather excited for it. (:

Yesterday, at English class, we watched 'Doctor Who', with the episode 'Blink'. Those who haven't watched it, watch it :L You can blame thank me later. :P

This Sunday, I'll be watching 'Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1' with my mum. So excited for it ! Was looking forward to it for ages and even re-read the Twilight series to refresh my memory and get ready for it. :L Love Twilight. And not for Edward Cullen or Jacob Black. I just love the plotline..which isn't much. Lawl.

Today's lunch I had with Julia ( ) was really good. We both had beef pies which was good, but we were such pigs we went back to buy another piece to eat - salad. It was Caesar salad, one of our favourites :L and we ate the massive box of it. Each. Lawl. So good though. I really want to try and replicate it.

Now, I have to work on my Matrix coaching homework, so I'll update soon. (: Probs will update tomorrow. Hopefully. :L

Thanks for reading,
Michelle <3