Tuesday 1 November 2011

Eat Your Heart Out

No idea why I put that title but I had something bland like: "School starts" LOL. :P

Anyways, I feel like I came back from holidays since the exam week was so relaxing. (: I have Japanese speaking exam this Friday. ):

Today, was sorta terrible and wasn't one of my best days. I'm still sick, could barely keep my eyes open for the day. ): Now my sore throat is kinda developing. Good news is that my mouth ulcer is slightly getting better. (: I've been rather starving lately since I can't eat that much. ): So I've been stuffing myself more with dinner.

Today at school, got my Elective History yearly exam back. It was terrible. And typing this reminds me that I have to go tell my mum. Uh oh. I should go tell her. Later. :P She'll be so disappointed to have me.

At lunch, Julia ( http://www.littlemisscrayons.wordpress.com/ ), Jennifer ( a really nice friend ) and I played on this tree. Wow - sounds like we raped it or something, the way I put it. :P But it was really fun. We just kept climbing it since it was really fun ! Totally made up for the Elective History marks.

There's a teacher's strike day tomorrow, so school actually starts at 11:20 AM, which means I can sleep in and also go to school later. Yay ! Love these past few weeks since we practically have to do nothing. If only, I didn't have this stupid sickness and then I'll be able to enjoy it more. I should do my homework soon after this, since I haven't done anything since I came home today. :/

Stay safe,
Michelle <3


  1. Playing with the tree was fun. ;] xx

  2. I love climbing that tree, lets do it again soon :P

  3. btw the above comment is me :P
    <3 Jen

  4. @Julia : Yeah it was !

    @Jen : Thanks for checking out my blog ! <3 and thanks so much for commenting as well. (:

    <3 xx
