Friday 4 November 2011

Update No. 61

Had no ideas for an 'exciting' title so used the updates again. (:

Anyways, I didn't go to band rehearsal this morning since I have a mouth ulcer and I couldn 't play flute with it since I can't make the embouchure.

So went to school, which was pretty standard for me. Duh. :P For Japanese, I had a speaking exam, but I didn't want to do it since I have a mouth ulcer. I've told her yesterday, but since I can speak today, I decided to practise with my friend Jane for like 20 minutes on the ones I didn't practise. I didn't practise last night but I ended up doing it. Phew. I think I got full marks.

At English today, watched some Doctor Who. It was scary as hell. These really scary looking maniquins ( don't know how to spell it :P ) had really creepy faces and came alive. Hard to explain. The episode is called " The Beast Below " and if you're a hardcore Doctor Who fan, perhaps you know what I'm talking about. Otherwise, go watch it. (: I was spooked, and we haven't finished it though.

Went to Matrix coaching with Julia ( ) after school and the class was rather boring since we had to listen to this podcast. A lot of people turned up today in this class and the room was really small. So it was really squished but everyone managed to squish in. Lol.

I'm currently waiting for my yearly exam results back. I've only received about 3 of them ; PD ( yes; we have an exam for PD :P ), Elective History, and Maths. Waiting for others which I don't want to name - too many.

Tomorrow, I have Chinese lessons, and I have to go back to the Chinese herbal doctor since her medicine last time, made me constipated as bad as that sounds. LOL. I'll see how that goes. Then I have maths tutoring after, and need to work on my English assignment which I have yet to do.

Michelle <3

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