Saturday 12 November 2011

Update: Cat (:

Haven't updated about my cat in a very long time.

Anyways, just came back from the trip to the vet. It was hilarious but this was him before we left :

I let him stick his head out of the hole on the top of the 'cage'. :L
He was so funny at the vet. He kept 'miaoing' presumably because he was scared. At the clinic, we let him out but he kept going back in the 'cage'. TOO CUTE <3 lol. (:

Michelle <3


  1. Homggggg!!!!! YEEEEEEEKKK I want a cat now T_T SHOOO CUTEEEE

  2. Ahahah ! LOL. (: Go get one. There's plenty on the streets ;) I'm kidding. But they are cute. (: xx
