Saturday 26 November 2011

Update: Cake Anyone ?

This is an update for yesterday since I kind of slacked off and didn't blog yesterday.

I had Chinese lessons in the morning and got my Chinese exam back which was rather terrible. T_T Probably should have studied much much more and harder. Will do that next time, rather than waking up in the morning, remembering I had an exam and then cramming. T_T

Anyways, didn't have much to do yesterday, just went home after lunch which I tried 'Pie Face'.  I can happily say 'Pie Face' has awesome food !! Try their pies. Duh. :P Since my mum went to the CBD to purchase some gifts for her friends, I forced her to go to Smiggle as well, and to buy my friend, Jess's birthday present and a ruler for me. I lost my ruler about a week ago, I have no idea where the hell it went. Lawl.

Had maths tutoring, I hate simultaneous equations and just asked him to explain everything. T_T Watched 'Clash of the Titans' which I wanted to watch when it came out but never had the time to since it wasn't in the holidays. ): So I borrowed it from Julia ( ) and she also lent me 'Flight Plan' which I haven't watched yet. It's so gruesome and awesome !! <3

Had my birthday cake afterwards. I'll put the photos up to make you jealous >) ASIAN CAKES ARE THE BEST :>

Anyways, really need to get going now. Have to watch 'Twilight'. (: Well 'Breaking Dawn'. Same thing. :P

Michelle <3


  1. I thought you weren't going to have a cake ^^" HOMG enjoy breaking dawn :):):)

  2. And then when someone started talking about cake, I started craving it. :P And 'Breaking Dawn' was good, but in some ways, disappointing. :P xx
