Monday 7 November 2011

Update: Smile !

Today, had school without Julia ( ) and just went to school by myself. Now I know how it feels to be alone - which a friend of mine keeps telling me how it feels, but now I can finally empathise. Lol.

Didn't present the commerce project since Julia wasn't here. We watched Dr. Who during English and finished 'The Beast Below' and the next episode ( which I've forgotten the name of ). Otherwise, I'm completely hooked. It's really good. Though I wished it wasn't so creepy. :P

I found this awesome photo taken by someone on Facebook. Lol.

So 3D !!
More school tomorrow, so kind of looking forward to it. (:
Stay safe,
Michelle <3


  1. Holy Cow - that picture. And I like your fish, haha. xx

  2. LOL. And thank you. (: I like them too <3 xx

  3. I spent alot of time feeding them yesterday, as lame as that sounds. :P xx

  4. That's hilarious. (: Thank you for feeding them for me then ! <3 xx
