Sunday 6 November 2011

Update: Sunday 6th November

Still no creativity for titles and I apologise again. Anyways, Blogger still won't let me upload the video :/ Strange. I'll try again later.

Today, went to eat lunch and then headed to 'Best & Less' to buy two pairs of shorts ( sleepwear ) since it was on sale. I just took the photos and since it's nearly 7PM, the lighting is horrible. Nevertheless, one's pink and the other is black. (:

Then had tennis training which was actually not that bad. At least my serving is better. (: Can finally serve aces. :L I'll have to keep improving.

Tomorrow, got school and have to present this commerce Cadbury case study. So nervous for that since we didn't really put a lot of effort into it and compared to the ones already presented, it looks ... childish. The idea's not that bad. :L I also have school sport which is yoga. (: I love yoga ! Then after school, I have badminton training with Julia ( ). Excited for that since we haven't played in ages.

That's it for now. I'll try to fix the problem with the video. (: Hopefully it'll be up soon. Now I've got to work on my English assignment. (:

Michelle <3


  1. Those shorts are so cute! I think I would be very sweaty after badminton. :p xx

  2. Yes they are. (: So will I ! <3 xx
