Sunday 25 September 2011

Badminton Competition !

I had the badminton competition today and it my words...failure. :P It was my first badminton competition so take that into consideration. :P (:

The courts (:
 What was funny though, was that there were heaps of shuttle cocks that were stuck in the mesh on the ceiling. So it looked hilarious. This picture isn't that clear, but the white dots that I circled in red are cocks. :P

 There were 5 pools, with 3 doubles and 2 singles. The first double had a girl that didn't even turn up so the point automatically went to the other team ( counted as forfeit ).

The first pool was against ______ Girls and they were really really good. I already lost to them ):

Then the next one was against ...I can't remember. LOL. I think PLC? But they were hard as well - so I lost. Obviously. ):

The next one was against ...ARGH CAN'T REMEMBER. ): But I won this one - extremely intense. I won by 1 point (: 14 to 15. (:

The next one was against our own school - but the other team. LOST THAT ONE AS WELL ! ): She was the hardest out of the group and she has outside school training T_T

The last pool was against ______ Girls and we lost. Again. ): But this girl was cripped ( sprained ankle ) and she told me to go easy on her, so I did. ): Sigh. She wasn't easy on me. ):

Oh well. Don't know our rank as a school since I left. I'll update that later ! (:

Michelle <3


  1. Haha - nice picture. ;] I'll come next one but we have to do doubles although I'll probably bring you down. xx
