Saturday 17 September 2011

I'll post my Duke of Ed trip once I have gotten photos from Julia ( ). (: But this is what I did on Saturday ( yesterday ) I had Chinese school in the morning and it was the last lesson ! (: No tutoring for maths as well since I had to go to a wedding dinner after !

But I went shopping beforehand so I could grab some groceries. (: I bought 2 lipbalms since they were on special - 2 for $5. (:

And I bought a pen since I was running low on pens. :P

So I got changed and my mum made me wear this hideous dress ==" I usually never let my mum choose because she has really bad fashion advice. BUT she forced me to by screaming in my face. =="

We took the train to get to the Center Point Tower where the wedding dinner would be held. My sister took a picture of me on the platform. :P


So we  arrived at Center Point Tower to the highest level. The scenery was amazing. Quite hard to take photos without the flash of the window glare but I managed. (:

(: Don't steal my pics. :P

I took a picture of the cutlery in front of me :

 and these lollies which had the groom's and bride's names in them ( cute huh? (: )

and this was the bread and butter :

and the menu. :

The backs of the chairs ( lol ) :

 I forgot to take a photo of the entrees. ): But for the mains, I did. :D There were two different ones.


 and the side ( salad ) :

And for desert there were two as well. But both tasted funky. :P :

Tonka Bean Brulee

Vanilla Panna Cotta with Red Wine Jelly and Blueberry Sauce

The wedding cake when it was being cut :

and the wedding cake to eat ! :

 It was around 10:45pm by then so we thanked the bride and groom and left. By the time we got home, it was 11:30 PM. But I had to shower. So I went to bed around 12:40PM. :P

Congrats to Karen and Andy and best wishes for the future <3

Michelle <3


  1. HOMG! Finally a post! =D Thanks for posting ^^ and HOMG~ It looks so nice :3 I wish I could have been invited T_T

  2. Yes. Took me ages to type it and for some reason, the title doesn't work. ): Thank you for reading (: xx

  3. LOL! I bet! It is soooo long! I took 5 seconds just to scroll down to the cooments section T_T ah no title? :( That sucks D:

  4. LOL. Mostly the pictures take up the space. :P Oh well - it's just a title. :P xx
