Tuesday 27 September 2011


Today I was expecting to do some work D: But my mum was at home and she wanted me to go with her to go shopping. So I had no choice but to follow suit. ):

We went to DFO ( Direct Factory Outlet ) and I obviously went to 'Dotti' because I ALWAYS go there. :P Anyways, found one jumper that was nice and tried it on, and bought it. It was $60 reduced to $20. Picture of it :

Sorry about the lighting !
  After shopping, we had to eat lunch and so we drove to this Vietnamese restaurant and had some lunch there. The food there is excellent ! And it's cheap !! Double win !

...Don't know what you call this but it's what you can add to the noodle soups (:

My mum's one. (:

My one !
 So after lunch, and more grocery shopping, we went home and NOW I HAVE TO STUDY.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle <3