Tuesday 27 September 2011

Luna Park Trip ft. Julia (:

I went to Luna Park today with Julia ( http://www.littlemisscrayons.wordpress.com/ ) , and it was so awesomely fun ! On the way, I had stomaches again ): And I thought I had to cancel but it was all good ! Hopefully ! I shall let the pictures do they're own talking :D

The view of the Harbour Bridge. Took this picture from the Ferris Wheel. :D

I'm so small D: - Guess this picture is also an OOTD. (:
  So we took the train and then when we got there, we bought our wrist band tickets. The queue wasn't that long actually !

The entrance of Luna Park. Great picture taken by Julia :D
 We bought some snow cones after going on some rides. (:

Two Snowcones that we bought in Raspberry Flavour ! They were good and cold ! Lol.
  For lunch, we bought food from this place which had adorable looking poles -  sounds so dirty. :P

Aren't the hamburgers on the poles CUTE?!
  One of the rides I convinced Julia to go on was called the 'Ranger' which I've been on before. The 'boat' goes upside down half-way through and it's not scary ; you just get really confused where the ground is. :P

After Luna Park, we found this really cute park and there was these really climbable-looking trees. So we climbed one of them :

The tree we climbed. (:
  On the train on the way back, Julia and I were having a conversation about what COULD'VE happened at Luna Park today and the funny thing was, that we were talking to imaginary people in front of us. And the thing that was in front of us was a pole....I hope people weren't giving us strange looks. :O

Anyways, I'm going to start working and try to study hard from tomorrow after hectic days from Sunday on wards. I believe I might be heading to Woollongong on Sunday instead of going out with Julia ): I'll be taking Julia out to eat next Friday instead. :D

Thanks again to Julia for such an amazing and fun day ! Say thanks to your mum ! <3
Stay tuned !

Michelle <3


  1. Bahaha sounds fun ^^ did you guys go on any very scary rides? :P

  2. Yes, it was amazing. My mum says You're welcome. :] Our little chat on the train about ... stuff ... was hilarious! See you soon! ;] xx

  3. @Oliver : It was ! And we did. (:

    @Julia : Yes it was hilarious !

    - Michelle xx
