Monday 12 September 2011


Hello y'all (:

It was Julia's ( ) birthday on Sunday, so we went to this festival and 'celebrated'. Played on the Dodgem Cars, which was addicting. Our car broke down which was hilarious for other people, but pretty damn awkward for us. Lol.

Julia : What should we do?
Me : What can we do?
Julia : I don't know. *looks down at her feet*


So today, I'm currently drinking Oak Chocolate Milk. My sister had half of it (:

OAK. And yes, I took the picture (:
 Anyways, I have this Duke of Edinburgh hike on Thursday and Friday, so won't be blogging then. ): Then I have a wedding dinner to attend on Saturday.

So enjoy your days (:

Michelle <3 

P.S. Just realised this is my 100th post. :O


  1. AHAHAHAHA!!! I can SOOOOOO imagine that conversation XD and congratulations on your 100th post :)

  2. Ohh - congratulations! :] And that was so awkward, haha - everyone was staring so I had no idea where else to look. xx

  3. LOL. Thank you. You ignore them ;) xx
