Thursday 29 September 2011

Blood Tests

This morning I actually didn't remember that I had to do blood tests, until my mum came into my bedroom and told me to wake up. So I had to get ready and then head out. I wasn't allowed to eat before it; apparently, it would screw up the results or something.

By the time we got there, it was around 8:45AM. So I had to get blood tests and 4 TUBES OF THEM ! They said my veins were really small and hard to find. Everything of me is small ! ): I have small ears and small veins...what's next? Small va-- JUST KIDDING ! :D

So after 4 tubes of blood tests, they had to do an ECG on me to monitor my heart patterns. I've had one in the hospital on the day I first fainted but this one is recorded now. So what I had to do was to remove my clothes...): Yep ! I had to strip. Lol. Well not all of my clothes, just my upper half. It was so awkward. Thank god that the people who were doing it were women (: So I just concentrated on the ceiling (:

After the ECG, we left and had to get X-Rays done. So I got chest X-Rays and again, I had to remove my clothes...): Upper half again. At least this time they gave me a robe to cover myself with (:

By then it was around 10:30AM and we got home around 10:55PM. Had a late breakfast and didn't eat too much since it was near lunchtime. (: Made toast with the griller and cheese. So good !

For lunch, had spaghetti that my mum had made beforehand. (: That was good too. :D

Today was really unproductive. Tried to write notes but then I got sleepy since I woke up so suddenly this morning. Need to practise flute soon and I'm STILL trying to do my notes ! I've practically given up on them ! WHO CARES ! Lol.

The weather is crazy again ; now it's extremely windy. So I might not go out of town this Sunday. Maybe watch movies ! I've got two movies on mind : 'Johnny English Reborn' and '1911 The Revolution' !

Michelle <3


  1. Hope it wasn't too painful! I laughed aloud like a noob when you typed out VA-!! Did you have to remove everything on the upper half? :P xx

  2. It wasn't painful at all ! :P Yes I did :P xx
