Wednesday 21 September 2011

Hayfever Anyone?

Haven't updated in a while. So this week is the last week of school before holidays again ! I've handed in my English essay on Monday which was a hassle since I only finished it on Sunday. Which meant I couldn't go to tennis last Sunday. ):

And I miss tennis this Sunday as well since I have this badminton competition.

I've been having really bad hayfever over these 3 days ( Monday, Tuesday and now Wednesday ). Must be really bad atmosphere. :P Took Zyrtec to help. (: It helps for 24 hours. So then I have to take it again. :P

Last Friday, I had my last Matrix coaching lesson for the term after Duke of Ed hike ( read my post here : ) , and it was basically bludge. But so fun since we played games. Mostly dirty as well. :P

Nothing much to say, but a book review will be up shortly (:

Michelle <3


  1. Ngawww poor you :( Zyrtec really helps =D My parents take that XD BOOK REVIEW! ^^ I'll wait patiently for it :)

  2. Yes Zyrtec really helps ! (: Yes, book review coming soon ;) xx
