Wednesday 7 September 2011

Teacher's Strike Day = NO SCHOOL :D

This was actually taken by me - Don't steal my pics :P
  No school today ! Which means I have to catch up on work. ):

This morning I woke up at 7:30AM which is quite early. Don't know why, but I can never sleep in that much. No idea why. :P So I woke up and did my maths homework before I went to brush my teeth. No idea why I did that either. :P

Had breakfast, and then did more work - Japanese, and Geography.

Just finished lunch now and it's around 2PM. Trying to do my Matrix Coaching homework, but nothing is getting into my head. ): I still need to finish my English website since it's due tomorrow. D: We have to use Dreamweaver and I'm completely clueless. ): So technologically challenged. Are any of you technologically challenged? Leave a comment :P

I finished my Geography video some time ago, but I don't think I should post it up here since there are some copyrighted material in it ; e.g photos and videos copied from Youtube ! :O But if anyone is interested I'll post it up. It's just boring. :P

I also finished my Japanese dialogue as well...but not posting that up since I don't think anyone here can understand Japanese? Lol. And there's lots of mistakes in it anyways.

Going to a fair in a park on Sunday to meet up with Julia and her taekwondo friends since they have to perform and stuff. I'm going to ride my bike there. :P Haven't riden my bike in a long time. It's her birthday on Sunday - so I'm going to give her present on Sunday rather than Friday. (:

That's it for now. (:

Thanks for reading !

Michelle <3


  1. Yes, I hate technological stuff to do with the computer/laptop. Lol! Damn - I want to ride my bike but helping out, haha. xx

  2. Isn't Dreamweaver a program that allows you to create a website? 8O and nice hand writing :3

  3. @Julia : Yes - IT'S SO HARD ! D: You can ride your bike, just park it near you or park it near a tree and lock it (:

    @Oliver : Yes, Dreamweaver is. And the teacher won't let us use Frontpage which is much easier ): And thank you (:

    Michelle xx
