Wednesday 7 September 2011

Update No. 60 - Last Update for now :O

I'm not going to number my updates anymore. But I'll bring it back if I can't think of a good title. I think it's kinda drab with the title like that. :P

Anyways, today was a bit messy since I realised that I didn't bring my sports clothes back home to wash them and there's no school tomorrow, so they are going to STINK. Lol. Oh well.

And I ALSO realised that I forgot to ask Julia ( ) for my ruler back. Oopsies. :O She was supposed to have a maths test today but then it turned out the teacher changed the date. :P

I have no photos today unfortunately. For lunch, I had this really nice pasta. I don't have a picture of it but it tasted cheesy and tomatoey and stuff like that. (: Really nice. (: Too bad I don't know the specific name for it. :O

I didn't have my flute lesson today since my teacher had training of some sort. I had badminton this morning though. Was fun, but didn't play with Julia since I had to train for competition which is soon. :O I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. :O

I'm going to include a picture from Google of badminton since I think this post is ugly with no picture. Lol.

 So tomorrow, I'm going to catch up on my work, play some games ( omg, that sounds so wrong. :P ) and do more work. Lol. :P

Nothing to add at the moment.

Thanks for reading,

Michelle <3 <- Yes, I changed my 'xx' to '<3'. I need a change ;)