Saturday 24 September 2011

Tag: 20 Questions Tag

Another tag that has been going around the web community but in Youtube community according to Julia ( ) who was the one who actually tagged me. (: So here it is (:

1. Things you cannot leave the house without.
Let's, money and lip balm. (:

2. Favorite brands of makeup.
Maybelline and Rimmel London. (: Those are the only two brands I've been using the most.

3. Favorite Flowers
Don't have a favourite flower since I know nothing about them. Only one I know and like are roses :P Preferably red ones from a guy. AHAH ! :P

4. Favourite clothing stores
Dotti, Cotton On and Chicabooti. (:

5. Favourite perfume
Don't wear perfume?

6. Heels or flats
Don't own heels, so can't comment on them. So flats. (:

7. Do you make good grades?
I don't MAKE grades. (: But they are slightly improving. I should graph them :P

8. Favourite colors
Peachy pink and .........I don't know. Lol.

9. Do you drink energy drinks?
Nope ! But not sure if Vitamin Water counts. (:

10. Do you drink juice?
I would if I had some at home - but yes I do. (: I like orange juice the best !

11. Do you like swimming?
I haven't swum in ages since I had an infected ear. In between, I shall swim in the summer holidays. (:

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
No, and it’s called chips where I live.

13. Whats your fav moisturizer?
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel. (:

14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
Preferably. (:

15. Do you get mad easily?
Yes.......I hope people won't avoid me once I've said that. :P

16. Are you into ghost hunting?
Nope ! Too chicken to. :P

17. Any phobias?
Funny thing is that I love heights but I'm scared to go to the edge of a balcony. I have to make sure the rail/glass is really sturdy before I go near it. :P

18. Do you bite your nails?
Not anymore. Used to in Yr 3 or 4. :S But then I realised how disgusting it was and I broke my habit by thinking :
"No one can break your own habit but yourself."
Haven't looked back since (:

19. Have you ever had a near death experience?
Not that I can remember. Yet. :P

20. Do you drink coffee?
No. I think it smells great, but I don't like the taste of it. And don't plan to drink it either. :P

I won't tag Julia since she's already done it. Her post is here :
And I won't tag Oliver ( ) since these questions are so girl biased. And I don't think he can answer them in guy form. ;P

So I tag everyone that's reading this. (: Link me in the comments if you do. (:

Michelle <3