Monday 26 September 2011

Messed up Sleeping Patterns ):

Since it's the holidays, I've been sleeping kinda late. Well I go to bed early, but I fall asleep late. I wonder why that is....ANYWAYS !

I woke up late this morning; around 9:30AM. Then I dwardled around for about 30 minutes and went to eat brekkie which was cold since I dwardled so long. D:

Had my make-up flute lesson today, at 11:15AM. Was supposed to be one hour to make up for 2 lessons, but we ran out of pieces so we decided to finish 15 minutes early and add it on to the first lesson next term. (:

For lunch, I had overnight leftovers and then I went upstairs to try and do some work. I cleaned up all my booklets ( especially elective history ones because for some reason, the teacher LOVES to give out useless booklets ! ) and put them in the binder folder I bought on Saturday. Link to the post here :

And now, I've just finished my dinner and waiting to leave so I can play badminton late at night. Lol. I'm going at 9PM and coming back at 11PM. Which isn't good since I have to come home and shower afterwards.

Tomorrow, I'm going to Luna Park with Julia ( ) and hopefully the weather would hold up. The forecast says it won't rain so I'm crossing my fingers ! (: I'm so pumped - probably should pack for that soon ! (: The weather lately has been crazy; rained for 3 days straight and windy. ): Some breaks of sunshine that last for about 10 minutes max. ):

I'm taking Julia out for lunch this Sunday at this place I love to eat at, but I don't love the waiters. They are so dreary. They never smile at the depressing. At least the food is good !

So I'll post pictures of the food if I remember before Julia and I gobble it up ! (: Enjoy your holidays, that is, if you have them (:

Michelle <3


  1. Pumped, pumped - woo! I'll bring my camera - contact each other tomorrow morning. :] xx

  2. AHaah - It's over now ! Hell fun it was ! xx
