Friday 9 September 2011

Tag: Childhood Memories

I want to make a tag so yeah. Lol.

This tag is where you have to name four specific memories in your childhood that fall into the categories :

1. You'll never do it again.

2. 'What were you thinking' situation.

3. A happy memory ; can be anything (:
4. The funniest memory.

So let's start. These memories are so embarrassing, no idea why I'm posting this up, BUT anyways !

1. You'll never do it again.

This is the most embarassing memory yet. And I haven't told anyone but my parents and my sister knows. Well I presume she knows. AHH. I don't know why I'm going to put this up. But ! So when I was around 10, my bestie came over ( well bestie at that time ) and we went swimming at the pool. And when we got home ( well my house ) we needed to shower since she was staying for dinner. She didn't want to shower by herself, so we showered together. YEP. Stark naked next to each other. DEFS NEVER DOING IT AGAIN. EVER.

2. 'What were you thinking' situation.

When I was about 4-5 years old, my childhood friend and I ( let's call him Fred. Lol. ) were playing in the house. We were stupid and I think it was kind of hot, and we thought it'll be funny if we removed our shirts. Ahem. And we were strutting around half naked in the house and everyone was like ==" PUT YOUR SHIRT ON CHILD. But not before my dad took a photo. And it's still there in my album. How embarrassing when people see it. :O Don't know what we were thinking, but young minds have issues. :P

3. A happy memory

So far, it's the memories I've mentioned are all related to my friends. Now this one is related to my family. :D I remember when there were little baby chicks that were for adoption at kindergarten, and each year, people would take them and pet them. I wanted some really badly but my mum kept saying no. So I was really really sad. But then the next year, I decided it wasn't worth to sulk about and I just watched people take the chicks away happily. But this time, I went home and I found a box of chicks at home. That was my happiest time when I got to play with them in the kitchen. Lol.

4. The funniest memory. 

The funniest memory was when I was on my first day of kindergarten and my mum and I were lining up to be accepted inside. I saw when the children got there, they would cry and scream and kick and punch just to try not be separated from their parents. I asked my mum: 'Why are they crying?' And she said: 'Because they are being separated from their parents.' So I said: 'Well I'm not going to be like that.' But when I got there, I did the same; kick and scream and cry. Mostly crying. And now I think about it, that's hilarious. :P

So that's it ! I'm now going to tag Julia, Oliver and Amanda along with anyone else who is reading this. (:

Thanks for reading,

Michelle <3


  1. BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You made me smile at a laptop screen, looking like a dork, when I read this. :p xx

  2. I'm happy I made you smile ^.^ (: xx

  3. Oh I have to do this? LOL x.x

  4. You have a choice, but preferably yes. (: xx
