Tuesday 13 September 2011


Today was usual. (: Nothing happened till lunch. After eating, Julia ( http://www.littlemisscrayons.wordpress.com/ ) and I thought....well I did. LOL. I thought it'll be fun to play with this ladder that was propped up sideways on the balcony. So I kept swaying it forward towards me with my foot. And then Julia joined in.

Julia : It's going to fall on us. Lol. What if it did?
Me : *No comment and then ladder falls on our feet - I pulled my feet out quick enough but not quick enough for it to scrape against my shin ): But Julia just stared at it falling. Lol. *
Julia : *stare at the ladder on her feet and I'm in pain from my shin and pull the ladder off her foot.*

Later on, when we were groaning and moaning about our legs :

Julia : I really need to rub it, it's so painful T_T
Me : Aw man, mine's too tender to rub. ):

LOL. And that came out wrong. :P And dirty. So please don't be stupid like me us and don't play with ladders ;) I have a large bruise on my shin now. ): Lesson not learned. (:

On the train today, I had a really bad stomache and I felt like I was going to faint. Again. So awkward. So I sat down and once I got home, I uhmm....felt better after some things. (:

I drank some salt water to bring my blood pressure back up. That's what my doctor told me to do. Lol. So if you're dizzy/feeling faint and the feet up method isn't working, try to drink some salt water because I felt fine afterwards. (:

So now I need to pack for Duke of Ed and I might make a post on what I pack. If I never pack today, I'll have to pack tomorrow (: I'll hopefully have time to make a last post tomorrow before I leave. (:


Michelle <3