Saturday 1 October 2011

Daylight Saving !

It's finally daylight saving time, well it was - last night. (: You have to move the clock ahead one hour. (:

Anyways, I have an update for yesterday ( Saturday ). We were going to go to Port Stephens but we didn't go in the end. Dunno why. :P So in the morning, my sister and I went outside to play some badminton while the weather was holding up. (: Then we went jogging and went to play in the park next door to our house. That was fun !

After that, we had to go shopping so we left to eat lunch first. We went to this place that I'll be taking Julia ( ) to next Friday to eat. I took some pictures of the food. (:

Creamy Mushroom Chicken Soup. I always order this when I go there. So damn good !

And I always order this as well - Baked Portugese Chicken something. Lol

What my dad ate - Can't remember what it's called but it's baked as well (:

What my sister chose ( my mum mixed up half of it if you're wondering why it looks so strange :P ) - Spaghetti Bolognese. It's baked as well !

My sister's and my mum's ordered drink. I usually order this as well but I was too full. :P Red bean Ice Drink ! Really good. (:
 After shopping, we ( my sister, mum and I ) decided we wanted to go and watch a movie so we decided to go watch 'Johnny English Reborn'. It was really good. It still lives up to the standards of the first one. :D I'm going to write a review on the movie soon !

 Now I want to watch 'Abduction' because I saw the trailer for that when I went with Julia and Bob to watch 'Cowboys and Aliens'. (:

Before the movie, we had some time to do something so we went to Dymocks and I bought a book. It's called 'Bloodlines' by Richelle Mead. It's kind of a continuation from the 'Vampire Academy' books which I LOVE. Julia finds it disturbing. :P Anyways ! Can't wait to read it. :D

As you can see, it was on Sale. (:
 Today, I woke up kinda late since the time was screwed up. ): Oh well. I have to try and work now. Haven't done any work at ALL ! And I just realised next week I have :

- My commerce assignment is due on Cadbury
- I have to hand in notes for Duke of Ed trip and I haven't written my log on it. :O
- My English assignment is due ):
- I have a maths test on 'Factorising Algebraic Expressions'
- Japanese Speaking Exam D: Have. not. studied.
- Then comes my Yearly exams ):

I'm screwed. ): I need to work.

Michelle <3


  1. The food looks amazing - I can't wait! The novel completely looks like something you'll read. :P Hope you had a good day. xx

  2. Yep ! Definitely great food there ! (: And yeah it does. I've been waiting for it to come out in ages. :P xx
