Saturday 22 October 2011

15 Day Challenge: 10 Things You Do When You're Bored

1. Blog. (:

2. Read books. Or read magazines even if I've read them already.

3. Organise the next week in my diary and write out dates.

4. Go on Facebook for like 2 seconds.

5. Search cosmetic products. I'm BORED ! :P

6. Watch Youtube videos. :P

7. Text people that are likely to text me back. :P Or if there's noone, the other 9 things. :P

8. Make a shopping list. :P

9. Call friends to talk to.

10. Play on the Wii, or DS.

Michelle <3


  1. No comment but decided to be lame and just say 'No Comment.' :P xx

  2. LOL. OK. Thanks for the thought of commenting though ! (: xx
