Tuesday 25 October 2011

15 Day Challenge: 7 Things You Want to Do

1. Go sky diving. (: Expensive but I want to know how it feels. :P

2. Buy an expensive and awesome Convertible or some sort of high-end car. (:

3. Get married. (: And might have kids.

4. Make a Youtube account to put makeup guru videos on.

5. Get into University.

6. Travel around the world.

7. Have dancing/singing lessons as lame as that sounds. I can't dance AT ALL. Nor can I sing. :P I'll be killing chickens ;) Sorry - inside joke. :P

Michelle <3


  1. HAHA! KILLING CHICKENS! I can kill them with you if you'd let me. ;] xx

  2. LOL. They're not my chickens so of course you can. (: xx
