Monday 17 October 2011

15 Day Challenge: 14 Not So Basic Facts About Me

1. I avoid eye contact when talking to people, unless they are someone relatively close. I find it really uncomfortable when people stare back at me and so I look away.

2. I get anxiety attacks. I think this is where my stomach cramps come in. ): I just researched this, so not confirming, but it seems like it.

3. I hate it when people stick out their tongue when they draw or write and move it around. So distracting and gross. Lol.

4. I'm actually quite girly although I dress like a 'tomboy'. I like girly stuff. Lol.

5. I like to travel a lot. I want to visit heaps of places in the world ! :D

6. I love taking photos of things. Maybe someday, I will look over those photos again and recall memories. And then make a scrapbook !! Double win ! Lol. :P

7. I am a hoarder. This is definitely not good for my health, both physically and mentally. I'll try and throw more things away. (: I keep saving things that aren't even necessary. =="

8. I don't like people giving me earrings as a last minute birthday/present. It's so annoying. Everyone has done that and now, I have a bazillion earrings that I don't even wear. Don't believe me? Maybe I should take a picture of my earring rack. It was supposed to hold around 64 pairs and I can't even fit them all on. D: And the only ones that I bought by myself are only about 5 pairs. Omg.

9. I get pissed very easily. Over the littlest things even. Especially over my sister. She is so annoying. =="

10. I get over protective over people that close to me that are going through torment because of someone else. I hate it. Eurgh.

11. I love matches. I bet people are going to avoid me if I say I like to light a match. Honestly, it's so fun. Oh gosh ; I sound like this really bad gangster with issues on playing with fire.

12. I know how to play other instruments, but just not good at them. Lol.

13. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe a make up artist. But it's so freaking hard and there's so much competition. =="

14. I wash my hair every single day.

Michelle xx

1 comment:

  1. Lol, what I thought when you wanted to light matches during science last year. :P xx
