Sunday 23 October 2011

15 Day Challenge: 9 Things That Make You Happy

1. As strange as this sounds, it makes me happy when I organise my weeks and write out assignments. I need to have a small session to plan out my days and time management. :P

2. Shopping. I. Love. Shopping. Scientifically proven, when you purchase something on your wish list, your brains releases this chemical which makes you happy. (: Good for your health, bad for your wallet. :P

3. Look at a really cute baby or even touch/carry/hold it !! Too cute. :D

4. Talk to the person I like/close friend. They always make me happy. (:

5. A really really sunny day with blue skies. So pretty and gives me back good memories.

6. My family. (: 'Nuff said. :P

7. Objects from my childhood. I recall memories. (:

8. Looking through my cosmetics collection and playing around with stuff I haven't used in ages and pulling a look together. (:

9. Being able to operate my computer without a mouse - like I am now. Though I should be studying. :P My mouse broke down T_T

Michelle <3