Saturday 22 October 2011

15 Day Challenge: 12 Signs You're Into Someone

These can apply online or face-to-face. I'll tell you if it's online. (:

1. I try to say 'Hi' first. Or if it's online, I actually have lots of tactics up my sleeve to see if they like me back. It's hard to explain. If they're online on Messenger, and I want to know if they like me back, I would pretend I have connection issues and sign in and out heaps of times to see if they'll notice me and talk. :D If that doesn't work, I'll talk first. (:

2. Smile and nod at everything they say. And listen really carefully so I can ask questions back. (: Shows I'm listening.

3. Laugh at their jokes even if it's not funny.

4. Look at them when I think them aren't looking at me.

5. Try to continue the conversation. Or if I'm online and I want to see if they're into me as well, I would leave the conversation kinda hanging, and see if they reply. (:

6. Try to find their contact information discreetly. Or give hints for them to ask me instead so we can exchange information. :D I'm so cheeky. Lol.

7. Say a lot of things like : "Aw, poor you." ; "That must've been so hard. ):" Usually online. Too chicken to say it in person because I say it so awkwardly. ):

8. Hard to tell them goodbye. And end up trying to continue the conversation just a little bit more.

9. If I haven't seen or talked to them in a while, I would text them or try to contact them again, even if they won't reply back. Just to see if they're still alive and well. ! (:

10. I tease them.

11. Try to cheer them up when they're sad. Even if it takes my precious studying time. :P

12. Not a lot of eye contact. It's hard for me to look at someone directly in the eye if I like them.

Michelle <3