Saturday 22 October 2011

15 Day Challenge: 11 Signs You're Not Into Someone

1. I can look at them directly in the eye.

2. Don't try as hard to continue the conversation.

3. The conversations don't last that long.

4. I don't find it hard to say 'goodbye'.

5. I can talk easily to them but don't think of them as more than friends.

6. Smile 85% of the time. (:

7. Not as into the conversation.

8. Not as many topics to talk about. Especially if we're not into the same things.

9. Don't talk to them as often as everyday. Only need to talk to them like once a month. Lol. I can live with that. (:

10. Don't say 'hi' first. Sometimes I do, but not when they're friends are around. :P

11. If they confess they did like me, I'll have to laugh it off or just bluntly say: "I'm sorry. I don't see you in the same way. I think we're better off as friends."

Michelle <3


  1. I'm mean - I just laugh and pretend it's not awkward at all - don't even say better off as friends. :[ xx

  2. LOL. Try that online though. :P xx
