Tuesday 11 October 2011

Rant: Things I Believe/Believed In

I had really weird things that I used to believe and still believe in. (: So I thought I'd share. :D

1. That if you had to much s*x you would die.
This is one of the weirdest things I've ever heard of. I heard it when I was around 10 years old and people in my class were talking about what s*x was but no one really knew. They just said it was a bad thing and if you had too much, you would die. So obviously, I thought s*x was really bad for you and you can't have it. Lol. And obviously, it's a myth. Don't know if anyone else has heard of this one. :P

2. You get large boobs if you eat a lot of paw paw.
I heard this one last year. I don't believe it, necessarily since I don't know if it's true. (: So I've been kinda avoiding pawpaw. :P

3. If girls do a lot of push-ups, your boobs stop growing/disappear.
Uhm...I've heard this one from this guy that was teaching sports someday. I can't remember when. I still believe this though. :P

4. If you run/do sports straight after eating, your intestines won't digest your food properly and you have to get an operation.
I think this is a Chinese superstition, but I still avoid doing sports ( especially running ) after a meal. I don't want to have surgery. ):

5. If you eat and read at the same time, you would have digestion problems when you grew up.
I believed this and still do since I don't want to take chances. I heard this from my dad who wanted me to eat faster and concentrate on eating. Lol.

6. If you swallowed a watermelon seed, you'll grow a watermelon tree in your stomach.
I think my mum made this one up or something. I believed it when I was younger but OBVIOUSLY I don't believe it anymore. And watermelons don't grow on trees. :P

7. If you swallow gum, you'll have it in your stomach forever.
There were a lot of stories about gum and what happened when you swallowed it when you're small. I'm assuming now, that if you swallowed it, it'll just go through like any other food. But I do avoid swallowing it. :P

8. If you played with those four-legged garden lizards that tails' fall off, the tail would come off and go into your ear and never come back out.
My dad told me this when I was really really young. I was freaked out and would scream whenever I saw one of those lizards. But now I know that the tail would come off, but if your ear is no where near the tail, it won't go inside. :P

9. If you opened your mouth while you sleep, all kinds of bugs would go in it and pee.
My parents told me this and I believed it. Well kinda. They made me so paranoid =="

10. If you accidently drank your own pee, you would die painfully.
I don't know why this was even told to me, but anyways, I have a childhood friend who was really young and apparently he peed in his pants. And he happened to have his drink bottle there, but he had no idea he peed in his pants. So when  he drank it, he tasted his own pee on the cap. ==" He said it was salty. My other friends told me that if you drunk your own pee, it would kill you. But obviously, I know now that isn't true. (:

That's it for now. (:

Michelle <3


  1. THIS IS FUNNY, HAHA! You shouldn't off censored sex. Just kidding! :P xx

  2. Then I would wonder what my sister would say to me when she sees the word. :P xx
