Monday 3 October 2011

Another Unproductive Day ):

Today, woke up rather late - 10AM :O Then realised we wanted to watch 'Abduction' and so we headed out to watch it. (: It was good. Lots of action :D Taylor Lautner starred in it along with Lily Collins (: And there is a sub-character from 'Avatar'. Not the 'Last Airbender', but the blue monkeys ;) Forgot the actress's name but she's a really good actress, and she had acted in heaps of horror movies. (: I'll post a review on 'Abduction' later.

So after watching, we went out to eat lunch as well. Had a chicken kebab which I didn't take a picture of since there wasn't much to look at. :P After that, we went home and I haven't done much work. I've worked on my Commerce Assignment ( practically wrote one word ): ) and worked on my Japanese speaking.

Getting slightly excited for school since we get to wear our senior skirts now. :D

Michelle xx


  1. Haha - the chicken kebab we had before? Can't wait to see you! Even at school. xx

  2. Not that one. It's this other kebab. :P Lol Not the one on sticks. The one wrapped up :D Can't wait to see you as well ! (: xx
