Friday 28 October 2011

Exams are Officially OVER !!

I've finally finished my exams !! So glad. Also means I can blog again. So since there's still exams on Monday, but I don't have any, I'm not going to school even though you're meant to for sport. No one is going and I don't want to be alone so I won't be going. Need to think of an excuse. :P

Today, I had my Japanese exam which was so hard. The listening part was the part I worried on the most, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. I got most of it, but not all of it, which is definitely an improvement ! So proud of myself I can understand what they're saying if I concentrate really hard !

I had Matrix coaching today with Julia ( ) and it was alright. The only highlight of it was when we got to watch some videos to answer the questions.

I'll be going to the Chinese herbalist tomorrow in the city to have a check up. Before that though, hopefully I'll get to grab a couple of items from Typo since I want to stock up some items for next year. Early - I know but I like to do things prepared.

Julia wants me to go watch Paranormal Activity 3 with her next Sunday but I'm too chicken. I have to watch the trailer first. :P I've heard the first couple ones were horrible and boring so don't know if I should go for this one. (:

I'll be working on another video. This one is a continuation of the commerce project. I'll be making a separate video on the bloopers since I wanted to add more. I can't find the videos at the moment so hopefully it'll be up here by next weekends.

I'll keep updating !

Stay safe,
Michelle xx


  1. YES YOU SHOULD WATCH IT WITH ME! :D I mean ... seeing as I'm your friend? :P Haha - using emotional blackmail. xx

  2. ...): We should watch the trailer first ;) xx
