Friday 14 October 2011

Duke of Ed Fail

Yeah..Uhm I went to Duke of Ed thingy yesterday. I walked the first 6km which turned out to be 10km for our group since we got lost and went on the wrong track. ): Walked an extra 4km for nothing. :/ And the American teacher that was with us was saying how we were on the right track but honestly, I think he was just basically following us. Lol. He was busy enjoying the plants or something.

Anyways, I rolled my ankle really badly. ): It was painful and so I practically limped the way through the next approximately 3kms. We got to the campsite around 2PM or maybe earlier but by then, we were practically the last group to arrive due to getting lost. We pitched up tents and there was a playground !! So unexpected and so fun as well. Julia ( ) and I played on the swings, and this ride called the 'Flying Fox' and it was soo fun !! We got pictures but I don't think I should put it up...:/

That evening, I got a stomach ache. ): I know - such bad timing. So I took Buscopan but it didn't really help. Just made me want to puke really badly. So I told the teachers and my year advisor took me home. ): I felt so bad since Julia had to sleep on her own that night and that's exactly what her mum didn't want her to do. I shall feel her wrath later. (: Again, I'm very very very sorry to the group members who are reading this.

I got home, showered and went to bed. Fell asleep like in 2 minutes. The teacher told me not to go to school today, so I didn't. (: I thought it was hilarious how a teacher was saying that. :P

Went to Matrix coaching today. It started at 4:30PM. I realised I wasn't in Julia's class and my class was really naughtly and kinda loud. So this girl named Christine and I wanted to swap classes. I'll either do that tomorrow and ring them up or I'll do it next week. Again, I had a stomach ache there. It must be some sort of anxiety attack or something. ==" I took Buscopan after excusing myself to the bathroom and felt better after a while. (:

Anyways ! Studied a bit today, wasn't in the mood for it though since my ankle was throbbing and so I put an ice-pack on it. Felt better straight away.

I'll do a separate post with photos after Julia sends me them. (: If she is that is. I'm writing the other post that I promised. The first one is up :

So I'll update later for tomorrow. (:

Michelle <3


  1. I will send the pictures tonight - hope you're ok once again. xx

  2. Thank you and I'm better. (: xx
