Friday 7 October 2011

Haircut !

This is an update post for yesterday ( Friday - 7/10/11 ).

So I went out with Julia ( ) to eat lunch at this place where I've posted pictures of the food there. Link to the post is here :

We were actually so early there, that we were the first customers. :O It was so awkward, but after a while it was fine. (: We just chatted...

After lunch, we decided to go "window shopping" and so we went to Westfield. At Target we each bought this Xmas Gift Set from Rimmel London.

I haven't opened it yet but oh well. (: I really liked the red suitcase boxy thing which would be really good for travel. (:

So after Julia left, I had to go and get a haircut. Before we ate lunch, I actually booked an appointment there for 3PM. So at 3PM, I went there and got a haircut with this lady named Chloe. I didn't take before and after photos because I couldn't be bothered. :P

But technically, I told her to thin out the ends but she didn't so the ends are blunt. ): Oh well - I'll just tie up my hair more often and wait for it to grow out.

So after cutting my hair, I went home, showered and had to leave to go to my friend's place for dinner.

After dinner, we played on their Wii with this game called Super Brothers Smash Brawl or something. Lol. It was fun, but I kept dying. ): Just if you're curious, I used the characters : Link, Snake and Zelda/Sheik. (: By playing I meant pressing every button on the remotes. LOL. Before playing that game though, we played Super Mario Kart. Died in that as well. Lol. Fun nevertheless ! (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx