Wednesday 26 October 2011

15 Day Challenge: 6 Things You'll Never Do

1. Do illegal drugs.

2. Attempt suicide.

3. Eat any kind of insect. :P

4. Kill someone. Don't want that person to turn into a ghost and haunt me forever and I'm too chicken to. :P

5. Have oral or anal s*x. Ew.

6. Smoke.

Michelle <3


  1. Haha - I should do this really soon as well. And, I'm now very nervous about cow or any animal's uterus. :[ xx

  2. Yeah - I want to read ! And definitely after watching that thing. Well you watched it. :P xx

  3. It might be on Youtube - If I find it, Ima going to link it and make you watch it somehow. ;] xx

  4. Oh by the way - I don't have any credit until I recharge so check your email to see my reply. :] xx
