Saturday 22 October 2011

15 Day Challenge: 13 Ways to Break the Ice

I've finally found the time to blog. Need to study after this though.

So "breaking the ice" is when you become go past the 'awkward stage' between a person and become more comfortable with them. These are just my ways that I personally use to 'break the ice' and this applies to both girls and guys. :P From personal experience. (:

1. Break the silence with open-ended questions instead of closed questions. This allows the person to talk more and you learn more about them. Double win ! (:

2. Listen to their responses and ask more questions. This usually helps because then they'll talk more and it'll be less awkward. And shows your awesome listening skills. Lol.

3. If I have no idea what they are talking about, I would just nod and smile but not comment just in case I say something completely off-topic.

4. Ask how their day was. To be polite and moderately curious.

5. Make sure there's eye contact. Otherwise, I would look dodgy. I always look dodgy. :P

6. Agree with what they have to say. Usually when you do this, the person is more happier if they say something you agree to or believe in as well.

7. Make jokes to make them laugh. Laughing makes the atmosphere more fun. :D So definitely jokes.

8. Laugh at their jokes as well though, even if it's lame.

9. Hand gestures. It's really awkward if you talk like a robot with hands along your sides.

10. Keep to 'normal' topics. Don't go off to weird areas. Eg. "What kind of colour is your poop? Mine's GREEN !!! "

11. Know if the topic is getting too personal and up-close and sense it when the topic is boring the other person. Notice if they start yawning. Time to move on ! :P

12. Comment on how nice they look today, or if you're too chicken to say that, then comment on how good their clothes look, or accessories. (:

13. Just remember to smile, maintain eye contact, and good body language. (:

Hope this helped other people as well !

Michelle xx