Tuesday 25 October 2011

End of Exams....Nearly !


I haven't updated in ages and I haven't said 'hey' or 'hi' in the beginning of my posts in ages as well ! I'll just update that I'll be finishing off the 15 Day Challenge and I'll link all the days I've done so far later.

My exams started on Monday and I'm finishing on Friday. So now, 6 down and two more to go !! Yay ! After all my exams, I'll definitely post more since I'm planning to go shopping at Typo later on Saturday.

 There's this Australian boy who can sing amazingly well. I love his voice !! It's so much much better than Justin Bieber. Check out his channel -> http://www.youtube.com/user/jordanjansenmusic?blend=2&ob=4

And this song is really good. He sung it when he was 11 and now he's around 14 years old. (:

Enjoy. (:

15 Day Challenges:

Day 1: http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-day-challenge-15-basic-facts-about.html

Day 2: http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-day-challenge-14-not-so-basic-facts.html

Day 3: http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-day-challenge-13-ways-to-break-ice.html

Day 4: http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-day-challenge-12-signs-youre-into.html

Day 5: http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-day-challenge-11-signs-youre-not.html

Day 6: http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-day-challenge-10-things-you-do-when.html

Day 7: http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-day-challenge-9-things-that-make-you.html

Day 8: http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-day-challenge-8-things-youre-known.html

Day 9: http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-day-challenge-7-things-you-want-to.html

Michelle <3


  1. Just the thought of commenting ... To say, see you at school tomorrow! :] xx

  2. Thanks for the thought then ! (: xx
